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SEA Airport Confidential Hazard Reporting

This form should be used to report any hazard(s) or safety issue(s) that has caused or could cause an accident/incident at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). If the hazard is an emergency or needs immediate action, contact the Airport Communications Center (ACC) at (206) 787-SAFE (7233).


You can choose to report anonymously by omitting your name, company & position, and other identifying details. If you provide your name, only the Port of Seattle's Safety Management Systems (SMS) Manager and Specialist will see this report to potentially use it to gather additional information about the hazard or event and discuss follow-up actions (if required). Under NO circumstances will your identity be disclosed to any person or organization without your express permission. However, this confidentiality commitment DOES NOT apply to any willful disregard or regulations or negligent acts committed on the airport.

Please submit any supplemental documentation (PDFs, photos, etc.) directly to

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