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Public Disclosure FAQ

Q1: What are public records?

The Public Records Act is a Washington State law that allows you to review government records. Public records include documents in all formats, whether electronic or paper, that relate to government operations or conduct.

Q2: What governs public access to Port records?

The Public Records Act, RCW 42.56, requires public agencies to make identifiable, non-exempt public records available for inspection and copying upon request and to publish procedures to inform the public how access to public records will be accomplished. Port of Seattle Policy and Procedure EX-19 provides the public full and timely access to information concerning the conduct of government, mindful of individuals’ privacy rights and the desirability of efficient administration. These procedures will be guided by the provision of the Act describing its purposes and interpretation. This procedure applies to all department documents (except for Police Department records that may be subject to RCW 10.97).

Q3: What records are exempt from disclosure?

Exemptions are listed in the Public Records Act, while others are found elsewhere in Washington state and federal law. Many of these exemptions are designed to protect privacy rights and legitimate business interests.

Q4: What if I only have a question or want general information?

General questions or requests for information are not typically Public Disclosure Requests. The Port of Seattle is not required to create new records, collect or analyze information, or conduct legal research under the Public Records Act.  If you have general questions or would like more information about the Port of Seattle that you can’t locate from our website, call (206) 787-3000.

Q5: How do I request a copy of public documents?

1. Request online

Public Records logo General Port records: use the General Public Records NextRequest site.
Police department logo Port Police Department records: use the Police Department Records NextRequest site.

2. Request documents in person or by FAX

  • Public records are available for inspection and copying during the Port of Seattle’s normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding legal holidays. 
  • Port staff and the requestor may make mutually agreeable arrangements for times of inspection and copying. Records will be made available for inspection at Port offices. Staff and the requestor may make mutually agreeable arrangements for inspection in a different location, if the particular records sought are maintained in field offices. Port records cannot be removed from Port offices.
  • The request must be for a specific identifiable record or series of records. The more precisely you identify the record you seek, the more efficient and effective we can be in locating and providing the appropriate documents. 

3. Request through U.S. mail

Public Disclosure Requests also may be submitted by mail to: 

Port of Seattle 
Public Disclosure 
PO Box 1209 
Seattle, WA 98111 

Q6: What are the benefits of using NextRequest, the online records request tool? 

Since public disclosure requests keep increasing in number and complexity, the Port of Seattle and Port of Seattle Police Department have for several years been receiving and processing the majority of public disclosure requests using a tool called NextRequest.

NextRequest provides a simpler, more reliable public disclosure request process entirely on the web, eliminating the need to send requests by email or through PDF forms. It also allows requests to be tracked to ensure they will not get missed or overlooked.

And the best part is that requestors now can download their documents as a PDF from their own online portal. This feature allows easy transfer of larger files and eliminates the hassle of sending and receiving data storage devices by postal mail.

NextRequest also features a section where users can browse or download “Popular Requested Documents.”

All these features make the entire process easier for the requestor and allow port staff to more efficiently and effectively fulfill each request — no matter how complex.

Q7: When will I receive a response to my public disclosure request?

The Port will respond to you within five business days, in one of several ways:

  1. Provide the records (or a link to the portion of our website that contains the records).
  2. Request clarification.
  3. Provide a reasonable estimate of time that it will take to produce the records (if the documents are not readily available).
  4. Give you estimated timeframes for delivery of large requests. The Port may have to produce the records on a partial or installment basis. The Port will also provide the estimated timeframes for each incremental delivery as we work through your request.
  5. Deny the request in whole or in part when legal exemptions apply. The Port may withhold the requested records or may redact the exempt documents and include an explanation for the exemption.

Q8: Is there a fee?

There is no fee for electronic records that are provided electronically or for the in-person inspection of public records. The Port may charge 15 cents per page for paper copies of records or other actual costs associated with mailing or producing the records. 

Please refer to the Fee Schedule for printing and copying details. You can also review information on the Public Records Index.

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