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2021 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan

The Port’s 2021 Budget and 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan supports Port priorities to safely operate our essential gateways, equitably expand and create economic opportunity, carry out our sustainability vision, and follow through with our commitment to improve customer service. Our investments make travel and trade more efficient, expand community-based economic development and environmental programs, and reduce our own environmental impact.  

COVID-19 prompted immediate challenges to our lines of business, but the Port remains committed to using our 2021 budget and capital development program to lead an equitable regional recovery. Years of careful financial stewardship put us in a position where we can continue strategic investments that support significant economic activity throughout our region. We are focused on supporting community health and wellbeing, providing economic relief to Port partners, continuing our capital investments to support the local economy, and directing community investments where they are needed most.    

The 2021 budget continues on a realistic spending path in preparation for a long and uncertain recovery. We based our budget on forecasts showing that some of our key industries will need up to four years to return to 2019 activity levels.   

Virtual community presentations

The Port held virtual community presentations to share tax levy changes, planned investments underway, and how we are allocating resources to help lead the COVID-19 economic recovery in our region. Watch the recordings of these virtual presentations to learn more about the 2021 proposed budget and capital investment program.

October 8, 2020  
Leading the Recovery: 2021 Aviation Budget and Capital Investment Program Community Briefing and Q&A Session
Watch Aviation Presentation 

October 22, 2020
Leading the Recovery: 2021 Maritime Budget and Capital Investment Program Community Briefing and Q&A Session
Watch Maritime and Economic Development Presentation


Budget materials 

Presentation slides

Aviation Budget Open House presentation

Study Session materials

Fact sheets

Blog posts 

Budget process

Here are the steps for review and approval of the 2021 budgets:

Date Milestone Public Access

4:00-5:00 p.m.

Leading the Recovery: 2021 Aviation Budget and Capital Investment Program Community Briefing and Q&A Session

Watch Aviation Presentation 

2021 Aviation Division Operating and Capital Budgets Briefing 

2021 Maritime and EDD Operating and CIP Budgets Briefing  

2021 Preliminary Budget Document Available to the Commission 

Release of 2021 Preliminary Budget to the Public 


Budget document to come
4:00-5:00 p.m.

Leading the Recovery: 2021 Maritime Budget and Capital Investment Program Community Briefing and Q&A Session

2021 Preliminary Budget Document (Hard Copy) Available to the Public 


Watch Maritime and Economic Development Presentation


Hard copy available to view at Port Headquarters, Pier 69

2021 Tax Levy and Draft Plan of Finance Commission Briefing   
NWSA Budget Study Session by Managing Members   


Introduction and Public Hearing of the 2021 Budget; and Commission Approval of the 2021 ILA/Service Directives between POS and the NWSA   

NWSA Budget Adoption by Managing Members 


Adoption of the 2021 Budget 


Filing of 2021 Statutory Budget with King County Council and Assessor 


Release of 2021 Budget to the public 

To be posted on this page


Related to 2021 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan

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