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Flat Rate Taxi Pilot Program FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who can I contact if I have any questions? Please email

Where can I access the Taxi Driver Portal? You can find the Taxi Driver Portal at If you want to learn more please see our Taxi Terms and Conditions.

What information do I need to provide? Please provide the following: your name, your email, your address, your local address, your phone number, vehicle type (E-Cab or Flat-Rate for-Hire), vehicle number(s), names, email address and phone numbers of all your drivers, and if you are an Owner, an Operator or both.

Will you continue to host outreach meetings for the Taxi Program? Yes, more information on time, date and location will be updated and provided via email, telegram, and other notification methods.

When is the official transition to the Pilot Program and how long will it last? The agreement with Eastside for Hire ended on September 30, 2019. The Pilot Program will launch on October 1, 2019 and will end July 31, 2023. The Taxi Program will start as of August 1, 2023.

Is the fleet size changing? No. Eligible operators must have participated in the Taxi Pilot Program to continue on in the Taxi Program. Operations will remain the same.

What dispatch companies can I use? Owners may associate with any dispatch company.  Curbside management will be arranged by the Port, currently a contractor has not been selected but is in the process. If you have shared or multiple owners please send their information to

What are the fees? The Port will directly collect an all-inclusive, fee of $6 per trip. These funds must be paid directly with the Driver Portal App. Payments must be made using MasterCard, Visa or American Express; other forms of payment will not be accepted.

Owner and Driver Requirements:

Provide all contact information including owner and driver information to the Port of Seattle via email at Stay in contact with the Port for any possible changes or updates. Provide all contact information including owner and driver information to the Port of Seattle via email at Stay in contact with the Port for any possible changes or updates.
Sign an operating agreement with the Port of Seattle (Available soon). Enter in to separate agreement with owner. Follow all agreement requirements.
Associate with a valid dispatch company and stay in compliance at all times. Set up an online account with valid payment type of a MasterCard, Visa or American Express.
Set up an online account with a valid payment type of a MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Follow all Port Rules and Regulations as part of the Operating Agreement.

Insurance requirements will consist of:

  • Coverage limits will be consistent with current City of Seattle and King County requirements.
  • Current "floating" umbrella endorsement will not be required.

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