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SEA Part 150 Noise Study

The Port of Seattle will begin a new multi-year Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study update for SEA Airport in 2024. 

A Part 150 Noise and Land Use Compatibility Study is a voluntary FAA program that sets guidelines for airport operators to document aircraft noise exposure, and to establish noise abatement and compatible land use programs.  These noise abatement procedures and/or mitigation programs must be approved by the FAA in order to qualify for potential federal funding.  This will be the fourth Part 150 update undertaken at SEA Airport since the initial study was conducted in 1985.

The study identifies and evaluates two components, (1) aircraft noise levels and (2) land uses, during two distinct phases of this study:

  • Noise Exposure Maps (NEM) phase – contour maps are produced showing existing and future aircraft sound levels using the FAA-required 65 DNL noise metric.
  • Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) phase – measures are recommended that are designed to reduce noise and incompatible land uses within the noise exposure area.  These may include noise abatement measures, noise mitigation measures such as sound insulation programs, and/or preventative measures.

The Part 150 Noise Study and the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) are separate efforts and will each have their own distinct public process and outcomes. The Port will have public comment later this year related to SAMP. For the latest on SAMP and to sign up for updates, visit the Port’s SAMP page at Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP).  

To review study documents, schedule information, frequently asked questions or to leave a comment to the study team please visit our full Part 150 Study site:



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