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Port Police Assessment

The tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Manuel Ellis, and Rayshard Brooks led to a watershed moment in 2020, with community groups demanding justice, civil rights, and an end to racism at all levels.

During this critical moment in history, the Port recognized it must ensure that our Police Department is held to the highest national standards achievable for public safety, protection of civil rights, equity, accountability and oversight. 

The Commission proposed an assessment of the Port of Seattle Police Department as part of its effort to reinvent our industries to recognize and address systemic racism. The Commission proposal created a new Task Force on Policing and Civil Rights, comprised of Commissioners, Port staff, police representatives, and outside expertise. The Task Force conducted an assessment of the Department, reviewing important issues such as recruitment and diversity of new police officers, training, and use of force. This assessment is not related to a specific incident or complaint.  

Members of the Port’s chapter of Blacks in Governments, as well as Port of Seattle Police Department Acting Chief Michael Villa, provided invaluable guidance and perspective in the development of the assessment proposal.    

Milestones and Upcoming Action

The Commission reviewed the proposal and took public comment on the proposal during a June 30th community forum.

The was asked to comment on Port police practices through July 14, 2020 by emailing

The Port Commission considered all public comments and developed an updated version of the proposal for consideration during its July 14 meeting.

This comprehensive assessment builds on immediate actions Executive Director Steve Metruck directed the Port Police Department to implement on June 23, 2020. Those new policies prohibited the use of chokeholds, increased transparency, and updated requirements for hiring and training. You may learn more about actions implemented by Port Executive Director Steve Metruck.

Port of Seattle Police Assessment Materials

September 14, 2021 Port Commission Meeting on Port of Seattle Police Assessment

After a year of comprehensive interviews and analysis involving over 50 external subject matter experts, Port employees, Port of Seattle Police Department, the Port of Seattle’s Task Force on Port Policing and Civil Rights has released its final assessment. The report, which was brought together by consulting firm 21CP Solutions and capturing the recommendations made by all subject matter experts, covers the Port of Seattle Police Department (POSPD)’s policies, protocols, and procedures impacting issues of diversity, equity, and civil rights. External stakeholders, consultants, and staff identified opportunities for the POSPD to meet the highest national standards achievable for public safety, transparency, accountability, and oversight. For a full list of Task Force participants, please go to the Commission Task Force on Policing and Civil Rights webpage.

•    Executive Summary
•    Recommendations
•    Press Release

June 30, 2020 Port Commission Community Forum on a Port Policing Assessment

•    Watch a recording of the forum
•    Draft Motion 2020-15
•    Memo

Port Police Manual

Port of Seattle Police Department Policy Manual

Port Statements

Port Executive Director Steve Metruck

As a nation, we are asking critical questions about the role of law enforcement, and what we ask of the men and women who have chosen to serve in the profession of law enforcement, with all its challenges, on our behalf….The Port Police Department has a special and critical role in protecting the traveling public, our employees, our business partners and our vital infrastructure for trade and commerce.  At the airport alone, they interact with millions of people each year…. While we are proud of our Police Department and the work that it does, we must also be willing and able to look at ourselves, challenge our assumptions, and be open to questions from those we serve… We need to listen to all voices, ask difficult questions, and work together toward the goal of making the Port of Seattle Police Department and the Port of Seattle stronger and more responsive to the communities we serve.

Port Commission President Peter Steinbrueck

The Port of Seattle has the responsibility during this critical moment in history to ensure that our Police Department is held to the highest nationwide standards achievable for public safety, protection of civil rights, equity, accountability and oversight…There are always opportunities for improvement and we need to ensure that our policies and practices are not disproportionately impacting our Black community. I firmly believe the work of the Task Force will broadly benefit the Port, the Port Police, the communities we serve, and users of Port facilities. The Port must lead by example by acting swiftly and meaningfully in identifying and implementing Task Force recommendations. 

Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins

The voices of those who share today, and who have shared through email, social media and other public channels, make clear that cosmetic changes to our policies are not enough. Rather, we, like every other public agency with a police department, must understand this as a watershed moment when incremental changes are not enough… In a nutshell, that is what our community members are asking for: a world in which the children of black and brown families can safely assume that the police are a force for good in their communities, that they have no reason to fear for their own life and safety when interacting with them, and that the police are there to protect and serve them as well.  In so many ways, our Port police department has been on the leading edge of best policing practices. I look forward to the work we will do today, and as part of this task force, to ensure that our police department continues to be a model for departments around the state and the country.

Related to Port Police Assessment

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