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Jack Block Park

Map & Directions
Jack Block Park, 2130 Harbor Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
Latitude, Longitude
47° 35' 4" N, 122° 22' 30" W


Jack Block Park is a 15-acre park in the West Seattle neighborhood situated on the northwest corner of the Port of Seattle's Terminal 5.

A wood treatment plant and a shipbuilding facility previously occupied the site of the park. The area was eventually contaminated with creosote and designated a Superfund site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1994. Originally named Terminal 5 Park, the park opened in 1998 as part of the Port of Seattle's redevelopment of Terminal 5 and was dedicated and named after former Port Commissioner Jack Block in 2001.

The park's beach opened to the public in 2011 after an environmental cleanup effort that included the removal of contaminated mud and wood pilings, and capping of (58) acres of sediment.

The park features a walking path along the shoreline, which passes by a play area and a walkable pier before terminating at the park's observation tower. The tower overlooks Elliott Bay and downtown Seattle and offers a view of port operations at Terminal 5 and Vigor Shipyards. 

Current Pier Status: 

The Port performed a structural inspection of the timber pier at the Park and identified areas of degradation requiring pier closure in 2020.

Park Features:

  • 15 acre park with walking path
  • Public beach access
  • Walking Pier (currently closed)
  • 45-foot high Observation Tower
  • Children's Play Area
  • View of Terminal 5 operations, Seattle Skyline, Mt. Rainier
  • Benches, restroom and parking
  • Hours: dawn to dusk



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